Agricultural enterprise

In general, the equipment and configuration are applied here for an enterprise with high-mix manufacturing and with the group method of accounting for the cost of production. But like all other enterprises, agricultural enterprises have their own characteristics. Therefore, the configuration of "BAS" is singled out separately for this kind of enterprises.

Technical features include the need to take into account certain material values and products according to several quantitative parameters. Almost all livestock products must be counted according to the actual weight, the weight of the credits, and the number of heads is also recorded. This is typical both for inventory accounting (production, residues, implementation), and for fixed assets, since the main herd is characterized by weight, the number of heads, and sometimes wear and tear. There are a lot of productions, warehouse operations associated with the simple processing of crop production: drying, sorting, moving, etc. In the course of the implementation, there are various grades and royalties for sale. There are such forms of organization of the enterprise: shareholders, tenants, a lot of seasonal wage workers, and various features of taxation.

Also, technical features include accounting work in transport, accounting in construction, accounting in livestock and strict accounting of petroleum products in the sub report. The calculation of the cost price is carried out by crops with the subsequent distribution by production. We also need to take into account the mutual settlements with the shareholders and the consolidated accounting for the hierarchical system of units.

But very important is the contingent of performers. The first problems arise not in the setup of the wire and not in downloading the leftovers, but in getting to the desired zone of the screen form and finding the desired key on the keyboard. This feature affects not only the time of putting the system into operation, but also on its operability for quite a long time. The option of setting up "BAS" for agricultural enterprises includes maximum automation of all operations a minimum of asked questions to the user, no unnecessary operations, reports, buttons and maximum diagnostics when entering data.

The program "BAS-Enterprise" also contains all other necessary means for accounting workers who perform accounting and tax accounting and partially supplemented with functions of management accounting. 

Приватне підприємство «Науково-дослідне і конструкторсько-технологічне бюро автоматизованих систем» (скорочено ПП «БАС») Частное предприятие «Научно-исследовательское и конструкторско-технологическое бюро автоматизированных систем» (сокращенно ЧП «БАС») Scientific-research and design-technological bureau of automated systems (abbreviated as BAS)