Information about the enterprise

General information about the company is displayed on the main page of the site.  The content of the information is determined by the site moderator. It is possible to add any text information, pictures, and links.


Each news is displayed in a separate block. The news has 2 states, summary and full news. The summary, of the news is used to reduce the size of the news in the news feed (news list). In the news list, each news has an author, the date of creation, the number of views and a link to read the full news. The full news is not limited in size to the height and can contain long texts.



Приватне підприємство «Науково-дослідне і конструкторсько-технологічне бюро автоматизованих систем» (скорочено ПП «БАС») Частное предприятие «Научно-исследовательское и конструкторско-технологическое бюро автоматизированных систем» (сокращенно ЧП «БАС») Scientific-research and design-technological bureau of automated systems (abbreviated as BAS)